壓鑄在製造過程中能夠節省大量材料,因此擁有最優勢的價格。如果您需要大規模生產,您應該採用這個製程。 壓鑄產品最大的問題在於孔隙性。我們通過使用超高壓設備來克服這個挑戰。隨著孔隙性的最小化,我們比其他製造商有更多的加工選擇。




Parts for telecom industry

Appearance is one of the most important factors for the case, enclosure and the front panel. Traditional die casting method leads to poor surface quality. Some parts require zero draft for installation and perfect surface conditions, which require additional machining on the surfaces and cause even worse porosity. Most telecom companies adopt full CNC machining process for these parts to ensure the quality. However, price of the full CNC process is not competitive. Simone can manufacture the die casted parts with the quality comparable to full CNC process but only cost less than half of their price.